Municipal Services
Our expert knowledge of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 S.O. combined with our years of experience supporting Municipal Candidate's Campaigns in the GTA and other parts Ontario ensures our clients satisfaction.

Provincial Services
Using specialized auditing and accounting software we compile and prepare Ontario political finance returns along with supplementary schedules to the highest standards in keeping with the requirements of the Election Finances Act, R.S.O., 1990.

Federal Services
Using Elections Canada's (EC) Electronic Financial Return (EFR) program with specialized auditing and accounting software we prepare the EC political finance returns in keeping with the requirements of the Canada Elections Act (S.C. 2000, c.9).
- Form 4 (Mayoral, Councillor, Trustee)
- Compliance Audit Support
- AR-1
(Association Annual Return) - CR-3
(Association Campaign Period Return) - CR-1
(Candidate's Campaign Return) - CR-5
(Leadership Contest Return)
- EC 20081
(Association Return) - EC 20120
(Candidate's Campaign) - EC 20192
(Leadership Contest)

About us
For the last 16 years, we have supported the audit of several thousand Federal, Provincial (Ontario) and Municipal (Ontario) political finance returns. Our services are now provided through the firm Chaplin & Co. Chartered Accountants, which provides specialized political finance auditing services. Election Finances International Inc. was formally incorporated in 2009 but has operated as Election Finances since 2005.
Interested In Our Services?
Municipal, Provincial, and Federal clients can use our political finances and audit consulting or accounting services.